Life, it's a Big Faith Journey
Follow on any major podcast platform. This is about encouraging stories and lessons to lead you to successful destinations along the path of life. The power of your life is in your words and your thoughts, so chose them well and give life by thinking and speaking them well of others too. Be a life giver and a life changer. Let it begin in you. I'm speaking directly to you regardless of who you are or how old you are, from my heart to yours. My testimony in this life is faith. When I truly surrendered to God it began with giving everything I had to him and it was no small task, it was all about having really big faith, believing Him without a doubt. I had to believe Him for everything. I challenge you to get out of your comfort zone. As for me I want to do something so big it's destine to fail without You Lord, something so great it's gonna take a miracle to do. I want to be like Peter who walked on water! I hear God saying "Diana, get out of the boat!" For me my faith is all or nothing! By believing I have nothing to loose so I am all in. "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Proverbs 18:21.Which words will you chose? The positive words of life or the negative words of death? Those negative words that steal, kill and destroy life. The power of your life is in your words, so speak them well and give life by speaking them well of others too. Be an encourager.We must not be afraid when it matters, when it means saving and changing lives we must speak boldly and sometimes bluntly if we want to make a difference in this world. More often times than not it takes courage and putting our vulnerability out there to save a life or two or three. And when evangelist Eva Dooley touched my lips and prophesied over me she said "You have been silent, but you will be silent no more" that is exactly what she meant. She's right, I am silent no more. Praise God! - Diana Hudgins
Life, it's a Big Faith Journey
Whom He May Devour 2 (The Believer's Authority)
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Questions: diana@firebase27.com
Many people have a humanistic view of how life works. Even though Christians don't like this terminology, many of them function day by day with this same mentality. By only looking on the surface level, they don't recognize the spirit realm behind it all.
Humanists don't acknowledge God. As a whole, they're either agnostic or atheist-believing that everything in life has a natural, physical cause. It''s sad to say, but many Christians have this same attitude. They don't realize the spiritual dynamics behind what's happening in the physical realm.
We are in a spiritual battle. Every single day, there is a battle raging in the spirit realm for the heart of each individual person, society, and the world as a whole. God is trying to draw people toward Himself and righteousness. He's trying to influence people to live consistent with Him so that His blessings can manifest in their lives. At the same time, Satan is trying to steal their hearts away from God. In an all-out battle against the Lord and His Kingdom, the enemy is pouring all the trash and corruption he can into people's lives.
Most of us - even Christians- don't recognize the intense battle waging all around us each and every day. We don't know the spiritual significance of our choices, words and actions. We're functionally ignorant of how these things determine whether we're yielded to God and releasing His power and blessings into our lives or whether we're yielded to Satan and releasing sin and death into our lives. (Rom. 6:16).
The devil can't control you outside of your will. However, your lack of awareness and understanding of the battle only works to his advantage. if you choose believe God's Word and learn to recognize what's happening in the spirit realm, you can begin taking the proper action to improve your situation. You can cooperate with God to manifest His power and blessing.
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7 However, your passiveness and lack of resistance doesn't mean that the battle isn't raging: it simply means that you are not winning. Satan is beating you in this area.
The revelation of God's Word contained in this book study has the potential to transform your life. As you begin to understand and exercise your authority as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, Satan will flee, and God's power and blessings will manifest in your life greater than ever before.
The Believer's Authority what you didn't learn in church- Andrew Wommack
Read and study provided by Diana & Rich Hudgins
Life, it's a Big Faith Journey
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